Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Task sheet for example

You must produce one or more resource sheets and a question sheet, similar to the example ones made by your teacher. The resource sheet must contain all the information needed to answer the questions that you ask about your specific ecosystem. You may include questions about topics that we have covered in class so far. Your resource sheet and your questions must cover the following information:

1. Definition of an ecosystem and a description of your ecosystem (your ecosystem is a desert)

2. Food web of common species found in your ecosystem (common species in your ecosystem include fungus, bluebottle flies, brittle bush, chainfruit cholla, crimson hedgehog cactus, ants, grasshoppers, desert wrens, kangaroo rats, desert bighorn sheep, banded gila monsters and coyotes) showing the role of each species (ie producer, consumer etc) and how energy moves around the web, plus a definition of what a food web does. You will need to make the image of this in another program or draw it by hand and get it scanned.

3. Explanation of what a mutualistic (co-operative) relationship is and a description of how two species have a mutualistic relationship (your mutualistic relationship is between chainfruit cholla and desert bighorn sheep)

4. Explanation of what a competitive relationship is and a description of how two species have a competitive relationship (your competitive relationship is between grasshoppers and ants)

Your questions must be a mixture of factual recall and description and explanation. There must be at least six questions.

You must present your resource sheets and question sheet as googledocs. You have two periods to complete this work.

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