Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The scientific process and other monolithic entities

So many students think of the scientific process (okay, if they think of it at all) as a set of data-in/conclusion-out, cookie-cutter, pre-made experiments. They get called investigations, but the outcome always seems pre-determined. The teacher always knows what the answer should be (even if your crappy following of directions has resulted in something quite, quite different).

One of the things I am loving on at the moment? The exemplar I am making involves me in my favourite part of the investigative process - the bit where I do some mini-tests and alter my method accordingly. I'm not recording data, just playing around within the limits of my investigation to make sure that my method is going to work. I love it.

I hope to have some success soon though - all those internet tutorials made it look easy! Here are two pics of the dismal failures so far. One was using a hot iron, one a cooler iron. I think maybe I need to let the baking paper cool before I peel it back *sadfaces*

attempt one at plastic bag transfers

attempt two at plastic bag transfers

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