Friday, November 20, 2009

The well-rounded student (a Renaissance ideal?)

One of the things that irks me about school - and, for the record, I think my school is better about this than most - is how much attention we pay to sports and other athletic endeavours.

Oh, I fully admit that this annoyance comes mainly from the fact that I am not sporty and spent a large chunk of my schooling career as a socially inept loner who preferred reading, writing and drama to... well, pretty much any physical activity you could name. That just makes me more determined to offer students opportunities outside the sport/athletics mould.

So, my whanau (homeroom to any North Americans) is going to spend some time on art appreciation. This was partly prompted by my discovery, last night, of Feed Your Soul, a free art download site.

This is the one I chose for myself, to add to our art collage that will go up on my wall. Students will choose the ones they like and add an annotation about why they chose it. It could be really interesting, I think, and the students might learn something about themselves and each other - and an artist they might otherwise never come across.

I'll post more later about my Renaissance ideals. For now, I feel happy.

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