Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sometimes, I want to teach social sciences

I'm really excited about, a site where you can make referendum questions that mimic the one that we're currently facing in Aotearoa. I think there are awesome opportunities for learning in the gallery and in composing your own question - and looking at what makes a good question.

Also of interest is Sue Bradford's private member's bill to change the parameters around questions that can be asked in referenda. Fascinating!

I sometimes wish I taught one of the social sciences *makes sad face*

Of particular interest to me, though, beyond the shiny of the teaching implications, is the way it's an awesome example of web2.0. Something has happened in politics. People are interested. Someone makes this site where people can participate in the politics. The site is easy to use. The site has built-in options for sharing. The site is designed to be viral. When spreading the links/artefacts/whatever, people can add their own take on it.

Awesome. I love it.

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