Friday, March 11, 2011

Google docs and collaboration

Our school changed to GoogleApps for our email last year. Bundled with that are GoogleDocs and a bunch of other apps. We've been using the Calendar, and it's been awesome, but I have learned that many teachers haven't even opened their GoogleDocs, much less used them. I am aghast. Aghast, I say.

I love GoogleDocs. I have been using them for a long time for writing and sharing with friends, and so I think they have a lot of potential to be awesome in the classroom too.

One day, I will write a really thorough blog post about a way that my students used GoogleDocs to collaborate in a constructive and constructionist way. I sometimes need to remember that it's not a huge mission to set up simple collaboration - and if I need reminding, I am certain my colleagues need reminding too.